happy tears!

0 Views & Reads, So Sad :~(

tales of a successful blogger

My most recent blog posts during Spring Break have been a stellar success on Medium’s stats view, which gives me good insights into the totally nonexistent impact of so many of my AI-generated blogs:

That’s typical of a lot of AI-written blogs: in my experience, the main kinds of AI-generated blog posts that do well are the ones that begin “Top 10 …” etc.

These recent Spring Break posts have had much more global influence on the Collective Consciousness of the World:

Hmmmm, how to fix this, so that my AI-generated blog posts go totally viral and make me a social media influencer….I’ll have to ask ChatGPT I guess!



Michael Filimowicz, PhD (usually AI augmented : )
Michael Filimowicz, PhD (usually AI augmented : )

Written by Michael Filimowicz, PhD (usually AI augmented : )

School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT) Simon Fraser University youtube.com/@MykEff